Henry Blodget cofounded Business Insider, then called "Silicon Alley Insider," in the loading dock of another New York-based startup in 2007. He served as Editor in Chief until 2017 and CEO until 2023. Business Insider is now owned by Axel Springer.
A former top-ranked Wall Street analyst, Henry is often a guest on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and other networks. He has contributed to The Atlantic, Slate, The New York Times, Fortune, New York, the Financial Times, and other publications (including, of course, Business Insider!). He has written extensively about technology and investing and is the author of "The Wall Street Self-Defense Manual: A Consumer's Guide to Investing."
The two most important things you need to learn early in your career involve figuring out what you're naturally good at and what you enjoy doing.
The addictive app TikTok may soon be for sale. Famous people are lining up to try to buy it. If we want to try to buy it, too, we can! Here's what we'd have to do.
Biden is behind in polls for reasons he can't change. So he has a critical decision to make: whether to step aside so Democrats can nominate another candidate.
There's an idea going around that we should bring our "whole selves" to work. I've made the mistake of doing that, and I regret it.
Humans form impressions about each other at a glance. For better or worse, these impressions are based in part on clothes.
Even if your boss and job are great, you will want to move on at some point. Make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and avoiding "lateral" moves.
Your job and career success are too important to leave to your boss. Also, your boss probably isn't a great manager. So you have to manage your boss.
Mark Cuban once said there is no downside to being a billionaire. So, how do you become one? The easiest way is to start or buy a company and make it worth billions.
Beware the "tyranny of the should" when making career choices, and figure out what it is that you really want to do for a living.
There are two ways to make money: 1) get paid to do things and 2) own things. People who make fortunes generally do it by owning things.
Luck plays a much bigger role in career success than most people think. But talent and effort matter, too.
Gen Z: Don't write off having kids over fears of climate change or global conflict. It has always been terrifying to have kids. It used to be even scarier.
A Business Insider survey suggests Gen Z's work philosophy is more traditional than you think.
My definition of career "success" is doing work you like that allows you to live a life you want.
Working "hard" is not enough to land your dream job. You also have to work "smarter" by focusing on what your bosses value most and planning your next career move.
Self-employment is harder than you might think. You will still have bosses — but in the form of clients.
I made a terrible mistake early in my career. But, like most mistakes and wrong turns, it taught me lessons that have helped ever since.
There are two kinds of "free speech." The Constitutionally protected kind is good — we can criticize government without going to jail. The other kind is bad.
Business Insider cofounder Henry Blodget is our work-advice columnist, offering career advice informed by decades of successes and failures at work.
Jamie Dimon said Elon Musk is "brilliant" and has "pluses and minuses," while speaking at the DealBook conference.