Business Insider

Business Insider's Fellowship Program

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Business Insider

Business Insider's fellowship program gives early-career journalists an opportunity to make a big impact in a digital newsroom.

Fellows spend much of their time writing stories, creating videos, editing, researching, or designing graphics. They publish their work to Business Insider's audience of millions and end their time here ready to dive into their careers as journalists.

How it works

  • The program is open to all early-career journalists looking to make an impact in digital media.
  • Fellowships run for six months.
  • Fellows are strongly encouraged to come into one of our offices — located in New York, San Francisco, London, and Singapore.
  • We have a full calendar of in-person and virtual events that will focus on building your skills as a journalist and expanding your network.
  • Fellows are paid $20 an hour, and they are expected to work 40 hours a week.
  • Fellows do hands-on assignments and get clear goals for their time with us.
  • We welcome a new fellowship class every six months, starting in January and June through July of each year.

Professional development opportunities

A person teaching a class
Business Insider

In addition to their daily work, fellows have specialized programming geared toward professional development.

  • Our Newsroom Classroom: This training series features people from across our newsroom who are experts in various topics, from breaking news reporting to building source relationships to writing useful reviews.
  • Virtual Newsroom Events: These include lunch and learns with industry experts, networking panels with professional journalism groups, specialized trainings on newsroom resources, and more.

People standing in front of the Brooklyn Bridge
Business Insider

Who's eligible?

The fellowship program is open to any journalist who wants to spend six months learning in one of the world's premiere digital newsrooms.

Many of our fellows are recent college graduates, but there is no education requirement or age cutoff. We screen people based on their journalism and other technical skills, prior experience, subject matter knowledge, and more.

Please ensure that you have the availability to work 40 hours per week.

How to apply

  • Applications must include a resume and cover letter. Individual fellowship positions may request additional details, such as a reel or published clips. Your application should show us, in one way or another, that you can do the work.
  • You may apply for multiple fellowship positions, but we advise to stick to 2-3 max. Please submit a cover letter for each. Your cover letter should indicate why each particular position appeals to you and aligns with your previous experience.

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