The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards recognize the funniest images in wildlife photography. Here are this year's winners.
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest finalists include photos of a puma prowling, a pack of wolves, and more.
National Geographic revealed its annual Pictures of the Year issue. The photos show wildlife, scientific innovations, and more.
Oregon's Portland International Airport has introduced stress-relieving llama therapy as one of its initiatives to address possible travel anxieties.
The Ocean Photographer of the Year awards announced the winners of its 2024 contest featuring stunning images of underwater wildlife.
Crandon Park Zoo was abandoned after hurricanes ravaged the beach and drowned animals. Today, wildlife like alligators and peacocks live in the park.
The new strain of bird flu has infected more than 90 million chickens and has spread to cows, and even humans. Here's what you need to know.
Photos submitted by pet owners show cats, dogs, hamsters, and tortoises striking humorous poses.
H5N1 avian flu virus is spreading in cattle herds. Former surgeon general Jerome Adams, who served on Trump's COVID task force, is getting deja vu.
Laughter is a universal language. From stylish dogs to famous people joking around, these vintage photos will make you smile.
Botswana's president Mokgweetsi Masisi said he wants to send 20,000 elephants to Germany to stop criticism of hunting imports.
Underwater photos from the World Nature Photography Awards show whales, sea lions, and other marine life in their natural habitats.
The World Nature Photography Awards highlight majestic images of animals, landscapes, and scenes from the natural world.
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards shared previously unseen photos from past years to celebrate the 2024 contest opening for submissions.
Scientists have scanned over 13,000 museum specimens offering an unprecedented, 3-D look at seahorses, herons, and other animals in X-ray vision.
The amphibian, a Rao's intermediate golden-backed frog, was spotted during a survey of amphibians in the foothills of the Western Ghats in India.
London's Natural History Museum announced the winners of its 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
Many flying insects just can't seem to stay away from artificial lights at night. Scientists think they may have found out what brings bugs to bulbs.
The blind De Winton's golden mole, thought to have been lost for nearly a century, was found in South Africa using the "eDNA" research technique.
Old fossils dug up over 40 years ago were thought to belong to a T. rex, but new research suggests they are part of a different species completely.