18 ways you're improperly storing groceries that are cutting down their shelf life

produce, juice, and other groceries in a bright fridge
Chances are you're storing some foods wrong. Olena Ivanova/Shutterstock
  • There are certain storage techniques that can make everything from produce to bread last longer.
  • Things that spoil easily, like milk and eggs, should never be kept in the refrigerator door.
  • Highly gaseous produce, like bananas, avocados, and apples, should be stored away from each other.

Rummaging through your fridge to find that all the "fresh" produce you bought has gone bad can be disappointing. Luckily, there are ways to hack your way to fresher, longer-lasting groceries. 

Here are some of the best ways to store your food for optimal freshness. 

Treat herbs like flowers by keeping them hydrated.

Plant herbs in water. marcin jucha/Shutterstock

Simply Recipes suggests cutting off the stems of tender herbs, like parsley, cilantro, and basil, and ensuring the leaves are dry before dropping them in a small cup of water. Then, place a loose plastic bag over the herbs for optimal freshness preservation. The herbs should stay fresh for up to two weeks.

For hard herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage, Ree Drummond of Food Network's "The Pioneer Woman" suggests rolling them loosely in a damp paper towel before placing them in a resealable plastic bag.

They should stay fresh for up to two or even three weeks, depending on the herb. 

The acid from citrus fruits can help preserve other fruit slices.

lemon woman squeezing lemon
A little lemon juice can help keep avocados from browning quickly. Boontoom Sae-Kor/Shutterstock

Food52 said that lemon juice can help keep sliced avocados fresh.

Whether you're keeping half an avocado for later, or want to enjoy some pre-sliced avocados on a salad you're having for lunch, swipe a little lemon juice on it to help prevent premature browning.

If you're only using half of an avocado, it's best to leave the side with the pit intact for storage because it'll help keep that part of the fruit fresh. 

Keep unripe avocados out of the fridge.

avocado pit
Avocados can be tricky to store. iStock/Getty Images

Although ripened avocados keep best in the fridge, unripe fruit should be stored on the countertop.

Still Tasty, a website that provides information about the shelf life of foods, recommends storing avocados at room temperature until they're ripe to keep them fresh longer. 

Don't wash produce before storing it in the fridge.

someone washing a pot full of apples under a sink
Added moisture speeds up the decaying process. New Africa/Shutterstock

Healthline says storing freshly washed fruits and vegetables in the fridge can actually significantly reduce their lifespan.

Adding moisture to the produce speeds up it's decaying process, so wait to wash it until you're ready to eat it. 

Certain produce items need to be stored separately from one another.

fruits and vegetables
Some fruits and veggies shouldn't be stored together. Sean Gallup/ Getty Images

Fruits and vegetables produce different gases, which can cause non-similar produce to go bad quickly.

To avoid this, it's important to store highly gaseous produce, like apples, bananas, and avocados, by themselves. Less gaseous produce, like broccoli, carrots, and potatoes, can be stored with each other, but should still be kept away from the others.

Other produce, like bell peppers, berries, and kale, can be stored pretty much anywhere.

Keep celery fresh by storing it in aluminum foil.

Celery in foil can stay crisp for a week. Shutterstock/mama_mia

The Kitchn suggests wrapping whole celery stalks in tin foil before putting them in the crisper drawer of the fridge.

Avoid cutting or washing stalks before storing and make sure everything is tightly wrapped to ensure it stays as crisp as possible. 

Tomatoes should be stored differently depending on their freshness.

You shouldn't keep tomatoes in the fridge. iStock

PopSugar says there are a few different ways to store tomatoes depending on their freshness.

Unripened green tomatoes belong in a paper bag with the stem facing down, whereas ripe tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, separated from each other, and away from sunlight.

You can put an overripe tomato in the fridge to prevent it from ripening more, but you should let it sit out a few minutes before cooking with it to restore its flavor. Healthline warns that storing tomatoes in the fridge can actually cause them to lose flavor and nutrients. 

Berries are especially susceptible to moisture damage.

berries blueberries raspberries blackberries fruits fruit farmers market
Berries can last longer than you think. iStock

Like with all produce, you should wait to wash berries until you're actually ready to eat them. This is especially important for these fruits because they are extremely delicate, and added water can lead to early molding. 

The Kitchn suggests soaking them completely in water and then leaving them in a colander (or any well-ventilated container) on a shelf in your fridge. It's best to keep them out of the crisper drawer. 

Cheese shouldn't be tightly wrapped in plastic or tin foil.

Opt for cheese paper or wax paper instead. Shutterstock

Ken Monteleone, the owner of Fromagination Cheese Shop, told Business Insider the best way to store cheese is by carefully wrapping it in cheese paper (wax paper or parchment paper can also suffice) and then placing it in an unsealed plastic bag. 

"The paper creates a barrier between the cheese and the plastic, while the plastic keeps it from getting dry," he said. 

Adam Brock, the director of food safety and quality at Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, also told BI that pungent cheeses should not be stored next to aromatic foods, like citrus fruits, because they can absorb each other's flavors.

Dairy belongs on the middle or bottom shelf of the fridge.

Fridge food
Don't store milk in the door of the fridge. Shutterstock / Andrey Armyagov

Your milk and creamer may have found homes in the fridge door, but Real Simple's food reporter Kimberly Holland says dairy products should actually be on the middle or bottom shelf.

Since people open and close a fridge regularly, the temperature of the door can be inconsistent, which means your milk could spoil a lot quicker.

The middle and bottom shelves, especially near the back of the fridge, tend to keep the most consistent temperature. 

Eggs also belong on a shelf of your fridge, not in the door.

Millions of eggs were recalled because of a salmonella outbreak.
Eggs need consistent temperatures. thatadon phusitphiyanan/Shutterstock

Your fridge door isn't doing you any favors when it comes to keeping eggs fresh, either.

Eggs.ca recommends storing them on a shelf in the back of your fridge for a more consistent temperature. 

Keep your meat in the freezer.

meat aisle
Meat can only be stored in the fridge for a few days. LADO/Shutterstock

If you have no intention of eating your store-bought meat within a few days of purchasing it, you can keep it fresh by storing it in your freezer.

The USDA recommends only storing uncooked poultry parts in the freezer for nine months (whole uncooked poultry can stay for a year) and uncooked meat for two months to a year, depending on the cut.

Don't store your coffee in the freezer.

Bag of Coffee Beans
Coffee beans don't belong in the freezer. Noor Khamis / Reuters

The National Coffee Association says coffee should be used as soon as possible after it is roasted for the freshest taste, so freezing beans isn't ideal.

The beans are very susceptible to absorbing moisture, which can easily lead to freezer burn. The best storage method is an air-tight container in a dry, dark place like a pantry. 

Leafy greens should be stored with paper towels.

Leafy greens like kale have a relatively short shelf life. stacey_newman / iStock

Katelyn Nolan Shannon, a research and development chef at Sweetgreen, told BI that greens like kale and lettuce stay freshest when they're washed, dried, and wrapped in a slightly damp paper towel.

After that, they can then be stored in a large, loosely-sealed plastic bag.

"The plastic bag acts as a barrier and assures that the paper towel won't freeze to the shelf or drawer in your fridge," she said. 

Ginger is easy to keep fresh.

ginger peeling
Ginger can last a long time if you know how to store it. nattul/Shutterstock

The Kitchn says the ultimate way to keep ginger fresh is to put it in a resealable plastic bag with all the air pushed out and store it in the fridge's crisper.

Never store bread in the fridge.

Tartine bread
The fridge can turn bread stale. Caroline Cakebread/Business Insider

Epicurious says putting your bread in the fridge makes it go stale faster, so the best way to keep bread fresh is to store it at room temperature on your counter or, better yet, invest in a bread box.

The site also recommends freezing your bread to keep it fresh for up to three months if you don't plan on eating within a week or so.

If you go for the freezer method, it's best to cut the loaf into slices or sections first because continuously defrosting and re-freezing bread will diminish the bread's flavor and texture. 

Keep pineapples out of the fridge.

Whole pineapples don't belong in the fridge. HisWondrousWorks/iStock

Australian pineapple producers Pure Gold Pineapples recommend storing whole, unripened pineapples on your countertop until they achieve your desired color.

Keeping uncut pineapples at room temperature is ideal so they can continue to ripen, but once you cut them, the chunks should be stored in the fridge to avoid browning. 

Mushrooms are best kept in the fridge.

chopping mushrooms cooking
They'll stay fresher for longer when cold. iStock

Food Network says the best way to store mushrooms is by removing them from the container they were sold in.

Once you wash them to remove excess dirt, dry the mushrooms thoroughly, wrap them in paper towels, and store them in a paper bag in your fridge for optimal freshness. 

This story was originally published in September 2018 and most recently updated on February 11, 2025. 

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