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I live in a remote community of 80 people, where temperatures are low and I drive 10 hours to get groceries at the nearest town

Selfie of the writer with eyelashes covered in snow; Canadian landscape with sun setting
Remote living has taught us to be more self-sufficient in many ways. Hilary Messer-Barrow
  • We regularly travel from our small, remote community in Canada to the nearest city to run errands.
  • We go to appointments and stock up on two months' worth of groceries when we drive to the city. 
  • The best part of the 10-hour round trip is an incredible drive home through pristine wilderness.

Over five years ago, I moved from Vancouver to Beaver Creek, a community of about 80 residents in remote Yukon, Canada.

After moving from a city to a remote area in northern Canada, I realized even normal tasks like getting groceries can be a huge undertaking. So, my husband and I made a solid routine for running errands that we've stuck to ever since.

Every six to eight weeks, my husband, our dog, and I drive 300 miles from our remote northern community to Whitehorse, Yukon, to buy groceries and attend medical appointments. The round-trip drive is about 600 miles and takes about 10 hours.

In general, we try to be as efficient as possible when working with darkness and extremely cold temperatures. During seasons when we get only four hours of sunlight and extremely cold temperatures, we stay overnight in Whitehorse. 

Here's what one of our typical trips is like. 

I got up early and began my day by warming up my truck

Since we crammed two months' worth of appointments, shopping, and errands into our trip to Whitehorse, we got started early. On this particular day, the sun didn't rise until noon, and it was -40 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

This kind of cold can be hard on vehicles, so it's important that we let our truck warm up for a while before heading out. Before driving to town, we also prepare by packing emergency gear.

On this trip, we took a satellite communication device, extra warm clothes, food, water, and car-repair equipment. We can never be too careful when traveling a long distance in extreme cold (and, for parts of the trip, darkness).

While the truck warmed up, I walked our dog

Selfie of the writer in a parka and scarf with snow covering her eyelashes and scarf
My face was covered with snow by the time I got in the truck. Hilary Messer-Barrow

Before taking our dog on a pre-drive walk, I put on more layers than I could count and topped them with a thick parka. I also wore a face covering, hat, snow pants, and winter boots. I bundled our dog up in booties, a thermal layer, and a jacket. 

Because of the cold, our morning walk wasn't as long as it normally is. Still, the truck was warmed and ready to go by the time we returned.

Once we started driving, we passed many trucks and cars across town that had been left running, some without people inside. Not turning your car off while you run into a store or have lunch is normal here when it's extremely cold.

We try to run as many errands as possible when we're in town 

Although our community has a small health center staffed with a nurse and receptionist and a doctor visits two days a month, we have to travel to Whitehorse for specialist appointments or procedures like X-rays, ultrasounds, and certain blood tests.

So, on this trip, our first stop of the day was the town's hospital so I could get routine blood work.

Next, we headed to the vet's office to grab over 100 pounds of dog food (enough for about three months). We like to have extra on hand in case we're not able to complete our trip in good time. After all, planning for contingencies is a huge part of living in a remote community. 

We also made a quick stop at the pet-supply store for treats and a few new toys for our dog, too. We always bring him with us to Whitehorse, so we try to make sure he has a good time on the trip. 

My husband and I split up to run the next few errands on our list. While he picked up a new saw, fuel for the chainsaw, and a waffle maker at the hardware store, I went to the hair salon.

It had been three months since my last visit, so my roots were in desperate need of attention. As my stylist applied color, she said she'd be away the next time we were in town. Unfortunately, this meant I'd have to go three more months without seeing her.

After my hair appointment, I took a cold, quick walk to other shops so I could pick up new wool socks, a gift for a friend, and some candles. Meanwhile, my husband and our dog braved the cold for another short walk. 

Grocery shopping is done last because it requires a lot of effort and planning 

Full shopping cart with mostly produce and dairy products
We got mainly fresh produce and dairy products. Hilary Messer-Barrow

After we reconvened at the truck, we went to buy groceries. As usual, our list was long because we needed enough food to last us nearly two months, including any special events, birthdays, holidays, or get-togethers we'd have during that time.

By the time we were done, our cart was so full that some more local shoppers asked us why we were purchasing so many groceries.

From there, we began sorting ingredients into reusable bags, canvas totes, and coolers as the cashier scanned them. We packed frozen foods into the totes because they'd be OK in the -40-degree weather and put produce and dairy products into the coolers so they didn't freeze.

Loading the truck is always the hard part, as it requires spatial skills and teamwork. We didn't want anything shifting during a 300-mile drive home but wanted snacks and dog food, emergency supplies, and extra clothing accessible just in case.

A bed of a truck loaded with coolers and plastic boxes
Loading the truck feels like a game of Tetris. Hilary Messer-Barrow

We hoisted the bins and coolers into the bed of the truck and my husband ducked under the canopy to perfectly arrange everything. Once the truck was packed, we took our dog on one last short walk, filled our tank with gas, and hit the road.

To further prepare for possible emergencies, we always let a friend know when we're leaving Whitehorse and at what time we expect to be home.

Our day ended with another long drive — and lots of unpacking 

Snow covered prairie with sun setting
I saw some amazing views on the drive back. Hilary Messer-Barrow

As the light disappears, it's not always easy to see where the road ends and the frozen ground begins in northern Canada. With that in mind, we both try to stay constantly alert during every 300-mile drive home. 

Fortunately, the best part of the drive is enjoying the stunning views of untouched nature until the sun sets. 

Once we got home, we were exhausted from our long, incredible drive — but we still had to unload what we got in Whitehorse and put it all away, my least favorite part of the trip.

We hauled everything into the house through the dark, then restocked the large pantry, stuffed the fridge, and loaded the freezer. Some of our food had to be split into smaller packaging or emptied into containers to prevent spoilage or waste.

By the time we finished, we were ready for a big salad full of fresh vegetables that would be a distant memory by the time of our next grocery trip.

This story was originally published on April 6, 2023, and most recently updated on January 30, 2025.

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