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Military Experts Rate 70 Military Battles in Movies and TV

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Some of the top experts across the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines rate battle scenes in movies and television shows for realism.

Dakata Brodie flew for the US Coast Guard for 13 years as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot and the US Army for eight years as a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter pilot. He breaks down several Coast Guard rescues. Former Royal Marines Commando Gareth Timmins dissects "Jarhead," "Sicario: Day of the Soldado," and other desert-warfare scenarios.

Nicholas Irving, a former special-operations sniper and an author, rates the realism of sniper shots from "The Last of Us," "Extraction," and more. Former United States armor officer and tank historian Nicholas Moran discusses tank scenes in "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "Band of Brothers," among others. Lamont Christian served in the US Army for 33 years as a combat infantryman and retired in 2018 as the command sergeant major of Fort Jackson, the Army's main training center for basic combat training. He looks at various drill sergeant scenes. Retired US Army officer and researcher John Spencer analyzes tactics in "Black Hawk Down" and other urban-warfare clips.

Nicholas Moran

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Nicholas Irving

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Gareth Timmims

Lamont Christian

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John Spencer

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