- Chapter 13 bankruptcies can help individuals reorganize their debt and start fresh.
- People who file Chapter 13 bankruptcy must have a steady income and a total debt under $2,750,000.
- Once bankruptcy proceedings wrap up, debts are discharged, though your credit score will drop.
Even those who bring in a respectable income may find themselves underwater. If someone is having difficulty keeping up with monthly bills, bankruptcy can provide a fresh start. It can even provide a way for those facing foreclosure to keep their home.
Although bankruptcy has some significant consequences, it is an attractive option for those needing debt relief and a chance to get back on their feet. According to J. David Krekeler, a bankruptcy attorney with Krekeler Law, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the second most popular form of bankruptcy in the United States, making up almost 40% of bankruptcy cases in the country.
Understanding Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Chapter 13 is a section of the United States Bankruptcy Code entitled Adjustment of Debts of an Individual with Regular Income. "In effect, it is an individual form of reorganization," says Krekeler. Under Chapter 13, distressed debtors can maintain control of their assets if they have entered into a formal plan to repay creditors, explains Jonathan Carson, CEO of bankruptcy services firm Stretto.
Who qualifies for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
This form of bankruptcy is only available to individuals, not business entities. To be eligible, an individual must meet two criteria.
- They must have some form of regular income. Krekeler says that "courts are generally quite flexible in this regard" and notes that people whose sole source of income is unemployment or Social Security have successfully filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
- Their secured and unsecured debt cannot exceed $2,750,000.
"While it can be a challenging and complex process, filing for bankruptcy can help distressed borrowers to resolve their debt obligation and provide a fresh start towards a financially sustainable future," Carson says.
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How does Chapter 13 bankruptcy work?
The three most common forms of bankruptcy are Chapter 11, Chapter 7, and Chapter 13. Chapter 11 is primarily for business filings, whereas individuals usually choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Repayment Plan: The main difference between Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 is the repayment plan, says says Damon Duncan, a bankruptcy attorney and board-certified specialist in consumer bankruptcy at Duncan Law. Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan using income. Chapter 7 does not involve a repayment plan because assets are liquidated, and the proceeds are used to pay creditors.
Length and Cost: Chapter 13 is a much longer and more expensive process than Chapter 7. Whereas Chapter 7 proceedings are usually completed in months, Chapter 13 proceedings take several years, Duncan explains.
Impact on credit scores: A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years after the filing date, severely hurting your credit score until it falls off your credit report. Chapter 13 bankruptcies fall off after seven years from the filing date. Both will still severely hurt your credit.
Which debts can you discharge with Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Chapter 13 provides a broader discharge than other types of bankruptcy, Krekeler says.
Under Chapter 13, debtors can discharge unsecured debts such as credit card bills, medical expenses, and personal loans, Duncan says. Unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcy, fines, forfeitures, and penalties, such as parking or traffic tickets or toll violations, can also be discarded under Chapter 13, Krekeler adds.
Another big difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 3 bankruptcy is that under Chapter 13, some debts arising from a divorce can be discharged. For example, if one spouse is ordered to pay the other $10,000 to equalize the property division, that debt could be discharged in Chapter 13 but not in Chapter 7.
However, some debts arising from a divorce, such as alimony, child support, and spousal support, cannot be discharged. Other debts that cannot be discharged include most student loans, certain taxes, and criminal fines or restitution, Duncan says.
The Chapter 13 bankruptcy process
Bankruptcy proceedings take place in several steps. While you'll need a lawyer to walk through this process, here's a brief overview of each step.
Hiring an Attorney: This is an optional step, but one that is highly recommended given the complexity of filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Lewis Landerholm, an estate and bankruptcy attorney with Pacific Cascade Legal, says that while hiring an attorney is not required to file for Chapter 13, "it can be difficult to navigate the process without the help of a qualified and experienced bankruptcy attorney."
Credit Counseling: Before filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, individuals must undergo credit counseling from an approved agency, Landerholm says.
Bankruptcy Petition: After completing credit counseling, the debtor then files a bankruptcy petition with the bankruptcy court in their area. The petition includes "information about your income, expenses, debts, assets, and any outstanding contracts or leases," Landerholm says. Along with the petition, debtors must also submit related paperwork, such as tax returns, pay stubs, and a list of creditors and debts.
Trustee Appointment: After filing for Chapter 13, the court appoints a trustee to administer and oversee the case, Krekeler says.
The repayment plan
Payment Plan Proposal: To proceed with Chapter 13, the debtor must submit a Payment Plan Proposal. This is a repayment plan showing how they plan to pay off debts over the next three to five years, Landerholm explains.
Meeting of Creditors: The debtor then attends a Meeting of Creditors. During this meeting, the debtor answers questions from their creditors and the bankruptcy trustee, Landerholm says.
Approval and Repayment: Finally, if approved by the court, the debtor's repayment plan will be confirmed or approved. Once this happens, the debtor makes expenses to the bankruptcy trustee, who distributes the funds accordingly, says Landerholm.
Discharge of Debt: Once the debtor completes their repayment plan, usually over three to five years, the court discharges remaining eligible debts.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy vs Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Most individual debtors choose between declaring Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 is a more attractive option for many debtors because it is the fastest, easiest, and least expensive form of bankruptcy. However, Krekeler says that Chapter 13 may be the only option for certain types of debtors. Others choose Chapter 13 for strategic reasons, he says.
One reason debtors may file for Chapter 13 is because they earn too much to file under Chapter 7. High-income debtors may not be able to qualify for Chapter 7 due to the means test, which prohibits debtors whose household income is over the median household income in their area from filing for Chapter 7. "These debtors are often pushed or forced into Chapter 13," Krekeler explains.
A common strategic reason to select Chapter 13 is to discharge debts that cannot be discharged under Chapter 7, such as some debts associated with a divorce. "For example, if one spouse is ordered to pay the other $10,000 to equalize the property division, that debt could be discharged in Chapter 13 but not in Chapter 7," Krekeler says.
Another reason to choose Chapter 13 over Chapter 7 is to retain control of significant assets, such as a home or car, says Carson. In Chapter 7, creditors can foreclose on a home and seize assets to recoup what they are owed. This is not permitted under Chapter 13.
However, some debtors who want to choose Chapter 13 for strategic reasons may not qualify. "Chapter 13 requires that debtors have a consistent and sustained income to fulfill their repayment plan, which may prevent some from pursuing this option," says Carson.
There is another important consideration, even for those who meet Chapter 13's income requirements: Even with regular income, if a debtor cannot make required payments, their Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be converted to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which requires liquidation of assets to repay creditors, Derek Jacques, a consumer bankruptcy attorney with The Mitten Law Firm, says.
Advantages and disadvantages of Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can save you from a tough financial situation. You should be sure to consider all the impacts of a bankruptcy filing before committing.
Automatic stay: Filing a Chapter 13 case, like filing almost any bankruptcy case, imposes an automatic stay. That means that creditors are prohibited by federal law from starting or continuing any collection activities, says Krekeler.
Foreclosure proceedings stop: Once someone files for Chapter 13, foreclosure proceedings stop, Krekeler says. This allows those behind on mortgage payments to pay the deficit "over a term of up to 60 months," says Krekeler.
Asset Protection: Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to keep your assets, such as your home or car, while still managing your debts, Landerholm says. As long as debtors make payments according to their repayment plan, creditors cannot seize assets. "This can be especially beneficial for individuals with non-exempt assets that they want to protect," Landerholm explains. However, Krekeler cautions that "This retention does not come free … the debtor must pay into the Chapter 13 Plan at least as much as the creditors would have received in a Chapter 7 case."
Cramdown: Under Chapter 13, some debts get reduced through a process known as "cramdown." This permits a debtor to reduce the portion of debt secured by an asset, such as a car or home, to the value of the collateral held by that creditor. The remainder of the claim is unsecured. This is important because "unsecured claims often get paid little or nothing in Chapter 13," Krekeler says.
To illustrate how cramdown works, Krekeler says, "Consider a debtor who owes $15,000 on a vehicle worth $6,000. In Chapter 7, that debtor might have to pay the full $15,000, along with the interest provided for under the contract." However, under Chapter 13, "the debtor will pay only $6,000 on the vehicle loan, along with interest as required by the court." The remaining $8,000 will probably be discharged.
Damage to credit score: A bankruptcy can be very helpful for your financial situation, but that doesn't come without consequences. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can hurt your credit score by over 100 points. The higher your credit score before your filing, the worse the damage will be.
Frequently asked questions about Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Yes, you can keep your house if you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, as long as you continue to make mortgage payments under the repayment plan.
Unsecured debts such as credit card debt and medical bills may be discharged in Chapter 13 bankruptcy after completing the repayment plan.
The cost to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can vary but typically includes a filing fee and attorney fees.
Cons of Chapter 13 bankruptcies include the fact that they are more expensive and take longer to complete than a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy also precludes a debtor from filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy for up to six years.