- When your student loans are in default, it means you haven't made payments for an extended period.
- A student loan default can hurt your credit and prompt your employer to withhold part of your pay.
- If your student loans are in default, there are ways to get out of it — including rehabilitation.
What is student loan default?
Your student loan is in default when you haven't made payments for at least 270 days (on federal loans) or 90 days (on private loans) — though the exact number of days may vary by lender.
A default isn't the same as a delinquency. Defaulting indicates nonpayment for an extended period. Delinquency means you're late on your payments — even if you're just a day past your payment's due date. Once you're delinquent on a student loan, you will run into a few issues. Your credit score will likely take a hit, you might incur costly late fees, and you may find lenders unwilling to approve you for loans and credit cards.
You'll face many consequences if you default on a student loan. Student loans can affect your credit score if you fall into default. Defaulting will also eat into your earnings and reduce your tax refund and government benefits. If you've defaulted on your student loans or are worried you might have, here's what to do about it.
When you enter default, you'll see additional, more serious consequences. For example:
- Your entire loan balance may be accelerated, meaning it — plus any interest you owe — will come due immediately.
- You'll lose eligibility for federal loan benefits like forbearance, deferment, and income-based repayment plans. You will also be ineligible for additional federal student aid.
- The government may withhold your tax refunds and other federal benefits to offset your debt.
- Your wages may be garnished, meaning your employer will withhold a portion of your paychecks to pay down your loan balance.
- You could be sued. You may owe court costs, collect fees, attorney fees, and more.
A default will also damage your credit, which could make it challenging to achieve other financial goals.
"For student loan borrowers who find themselves in default, the ramifications are not pleasant," Keough says.
Why do people default on student loans?
Unexpected financial hardship
People end up defaulting on student loans for a multitude of reasons. The top reasons, however, include running into an unexpected financial hardship, such as losing your income, a stay in the hospital, or unexpected home or auto expenses.
Difficulty managing repayments
Other reasons why many end up defaulting on their loans include a lack of understanding around the repayment structure. Whether it's due to not having money during the pay period, not understanding the repayment terms, or not understanding the seriousness around defaulting, it can be a lot easier to default on a loan than one might think.
How to avoid student loan default
Stay informed
If you think you may have student loans in default but aren't sure, there are several ways to check. To check federal student loans, log into your StudentAid.gov account using your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. Once logged in, you can see the status of all of your federal loans.
If you have private student loans, check your credit report to see if they are reported as in default. Every consumer gets a free annual credit report from each of the three credit bureaus. You can get yours at AnnualCreditReport.com. Your credit card company or bank may also offer free credit report monitoring.
If you don't see your private loans on the report, reach out to your lender directly.
What to do if you're in default
Options for getting out
If your student loans are in default, there are ways out. While unlikely, you may be able to repay the debt in full. If not, you may choose to rehabilitate your debt.
When you rehabilitate your loan, you regain access to many of the federal student loan benefits you were previously eligible for. This includes deferment, forbearance, forgiveness, and access to future aid.
"After your loan is rehabilitated, the federal government will remove the default from your credit history and return your loan to a current status," says Mark Kantrowitz, a student loan expert, author, and president of PrivateStudentLoans.guru.
The exact steps for rehabilitating a federal student loan depend on the type of loan you have. For Perkins loans, you'll need to make full payments for at least nine consecutive months.
For Direct Loans and Federal Family Education Loans, these payments need to be "reasonable" (not full payments) and submitted within 10 months.
If you have federal loans, the Fresh Start program is also an option for you to get out of default. This program does not count as rehabilitation and will:
- Ensure you retain access to federal loan programs
- Stop collection attempts on your account
- Give you access to future repayment options, like income-driven repayment plans, forbearance, deferment, and student loan forgiveness
- Restore your ability to rehabilitate future loans.
To be eligible, your defaulted loans must be Federal Direct Loans, Federal Family Education Loans, or Perkins Loans. The Fresh Start initiative goes into effect once the COVID-19 federal student loan repayment pause ends on December 31, 2022.
"When repayment restarts on federal student loans, the Fresh Start initiative will return all defaulted federal student loans to a current status, remove the default from the borrower's credit history, and remove other negative information relating to the loans from the credit history," Kantrowitz says. "Borrowers will have one year to choose a repayment plan and start making payments under the repayment plan. Otherwise, the default will be restored at the end of the one-year period."
The last option is to consolidate your debt. With federal loans, this requires taking out a Direct Consolidation Loan and then using that to pay off all your loan balance. This essentially rolls all of your loans into a single loan, streamlining repayment. With private loans, it simply means taking out a new, larger private loan — equal to the amount of your existing loan balances — and using that money to pay those off.
"This path is easier to pursue than loan rehabilitation, but the benefit is primarily process simplification, not necessarily financial relief," Keough says.
Seeking professional help
Despite common misconceptions, it is possible to have your student loan debt discharged through bankruptcy. This is true for both private and federal student loans.
The process for doing this depends on the type of loan you have, what the funds were used toward, and your financial situation. Generally, though, experts say the road is challenging.
"Arguably the trickiest and most frustrating aspect of student loans is how hard they are to discharge in bankruptcy," Keough says. "The grim reality is that the vast majority of student loans will still require repayment even after bankruptcy proceedings."
To qualify to discharge student debt, your payments will need to pose what the US Bankruptcy Code calls an "undue hardship."
"This means you cannot maintain a minimal standard of living while repaying the loan, that the state of affairs is likely to persist, and you have made a good faith effort to pay off the loan," Keough says. "Few people will meet these stringent standards."
If you're considering bankruptcy, speak to a bankruptcy attorney first. They can advise you on the process and how it will affect your student loans.
A student loan defaul can stay on your credit part for up to 7 years from the original default date.
If you've defaulted in the past, you can generally still get another federal student loan, but only after resolving the default.
Yes, in some cases, your Social Security benefits may be garnished.
There is usually not a statute of limitations for federal loans. However, some private loans may have time limits.
It's very difficult, but not impossible to file for bankruptcy to get rid of student loans. Requires proving undue hardship in court.