- Work-study programs offer part-time jobs for students to earn money for education.
- Many work-study jobs are on campus, but some are off campus.
- You need to fill out the Federal Application for Student Aid to qualify for a work-study job.
Defining work study
Work study is a type of financial aid that provides part-time positions, such as library receptionists and research assistants, for students with financial need to earn money for academic expenses. The jobs are often on campus, but some are off campus.
The government will base your work-study award on when you apply, your level of financial need, and the amount of money your school has available. There's no requirement for how you spend your money, though many students use it to cover smaller costs like daily living expenses and textbooks.
Importantly, you aren't guaranteed a job with work study, even if you're eligible for work-study money in your financial aid package. Some schools may match you with a position, but most will expect you to apply and interview for a job on your own.
Many schools have websites with a catalogue of work-study jobs, and you may want to apply for jobs that are related to your field of study. The financial aid office may also help you find a job.
How work study works
Work study is available to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with demonstrated financial need. If you're an undergraduate student, you'll be paid by the hour. If you're a graduate or professional student, you may get hourly or salaried pay, depending on the type of work you do.
You need to complete the Federal Application for Student Aid to be eligible. The earlier you apply, the more likely funds will be available to you, as some are first come, first served. Work-study funds aren't guaranteed from year to year, and your eligibility will depend on your FAFSA.
Finding jobs
Over 3,000 schools have federal work-study programs, but not all schools do, so check with your college's financial aid office to see if you have this option.
You're required to earn the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, though you may earn more if your state's minimum wage is higher or at your employer's discretion. Your employer will pay you directly, and they must pay you at least once per month. The amount of money you earn in work study won't affect your financial aid for the following school year.
Benefits of work study
Earn money
You don't have to accept work-study funds if you're offered, but it's often a good idea because it will reduce the amount of student debt you have to repay after graduation.
Even reducing the amount of loan debt you take out by a few thousand dollars can save you a significant amount in interest, and doing so may eliminate the need to get private student loans. Keep in mind, however, that you can't earn more than the amount set in your work-study award.
Gain experience
Many work-study programs will aim to place students in a job that aligns with their program of study. Through this, students are able to gain tangible experience for potential career trajectories that may arise post-grad.
Work-study programs come with flexible scheduling that allows you to prioritize your education and earn money while doing so. Generally, work-study positions will take your class schedule into account, and you won't be expected to work more than 10 to 20 hours. Best of all, the commute — in most cases — should only be as long as it takes you to reach your college campus.
Work study FAQs
No, work study is not guaranteed. Even eligible students must apply and be accepted to specific jobs.
The amount of how much you can earn with work study varies, and there are limits on how many hours you can work.
In theory, earning money through a work-study program is preferable to borrowing, but work-study might not cover all needs.
Your work study is considered when schools are determining your total financial need, so this might slightly impact other aid.
No, you do not need work study to secure a job on campus. In fact, many campuses have non-work-study jobs open to all students.