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Quantum computing will have a major impact on marketing, says Citi CMO Alex Craddock

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Following is a transcript of the video.

Alex Craddock: I think, look, outside of gen AI, the only other one that is on my radar, just because probably gen AI is so overwhelming at this stage, it's hard to think about what's beyond that, I think is quantum computing.

I think it's the speed and the impact you're going to be able to drive. I think if we all think about gen AI and what we're doing today — I dabble away on ChatGPT on my phone, we're starting to see it getting integrated into our iPhones — but beyond that, it's probably not that evident in our lives. I think we're going to be able to see a scale of personalization that I'm not sure we completely appreciate it.

So, if I was to go to a crazy place and I am kind of going to a crazy place, I'm making this up — imagine if you were walking past a billboard and that billboard actually changed to reflect the fact that it knew it was you because it picked up a signal from your phone, from geolocation, it was able to process the data at such a speed that the ad that you were seeing was actually highly personalized to you.

That's the kind of level of personalization that I think we're going to be stepping into. And if you start to scale that across everything we do, not just marketing and how we are engaging with branded content, it becomes a really interesting world we're about to step into where we could all be living in a world that's slightly different to the person next to us. And whether that's on our TVs, in our hands, on a billboard, wherever else we spend time, that's where I think we're heading. That's either exciting or terrifying. I think it's quite exciting.

In my last five months, having got the thought leadership team within my group, you can imagine I've got a bunch of really smart people who are very focused on the future, making me a lot more aware of what is coming and the speed at which some of this new technology is coming, and quantum computing doesn't feel like it's that far away.

And I think it will be a phenomenal game changer when you actually put something like generative AI together with quantum computing and the power that you're going to be able to create is going to change our lives fundamentally.

It's probably still three to five years away, but I think it's going to come a lot quicker than we realized. And again, in the spirit of being curious, I'm trying to educate myself on quantum computing, which I never thought I'd have to do as a marketer, but there you go. It goes back to the breadth of the role that we now have. It's exciting, but I'm glad I have these really smart people in my team who can make me a lot more aware of this and a lot more educated ahead of my own curiosity, which is great.

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