My 7-year-old is a caring and kind kid, but he sometimes misbehaves, and I'm left wondering what I'm doing wrong as a parent.
5 min read
Homeschooling worked well for our family, but my daughter wanted to go to school with her friends. She's now thriving there, too.
5 min read
It took me a while to come to terms with not having kids. Now, friends are having grandchildren, and I'm accepting not being a grandmother, either.
4 min read
As a parent, I should prioritize experiences over items. But my teens are finally hanging out with me and opening up to me — all thanks to our couch.
4 min read
I was not prepared for how hard it was going to be to parent teenagers. They would fight my rules and tell me they hated me.
4 min read
Olympic medalist and co-creator of Beam Kids Shawn Johnson East opens up about perfectionism and helping her kids find their passions.
4 min read
I'm a Gen X and couldn't wait to get a driver's license. My teenager is Gen Z and he couldn't care less about getting one.
6 min read
Patric Gagne, the author of "Sociopath: A Memoir," discusses the stigma of living as a diagnosed sociopath.
1 min read
I wanted to protect my kids from danger and was almost a helicopter parent. I realized I needed to give them more independence, and they're thriving.
4 min read
My daughter has just started college, and I'm frequently contacting her professors to see if she's in class and if she seems distressed. I can't stop.
4 min read
They only had one weekend to give away $100 million of their inheritance. But first, karaoke.
11 min read
I'll have a more curated decorating aesthetic when my kids are older. For now, I'm happy living amongst the chaos of toys and art supplies.
5 min read
My daughter asked me to be in the delivery room when she gave birth. I wanted to support her and didn't want to weigh in on decisions unless asked.
5 min read
I chose to name my oldest boys Graham, James, and Ford after careful consideration. They hate those names and prefer Maverick, Ja'Maar, and Grayson.
3 min read
Kirstin Edwards and her husband traveled with his ex-wife, her husband, and their kids. Their co-parenting trip brought their blended family together.
5 min read
We love spending time with our older grandsons. We see each other at least once a year and connect through card games, outdoor time, and writing.
4 min read
As a single mom working in an office, I couldn't pick my daughter up at school and had to hire childcare. Working from home helped me be a better mom.
4 min read
Our kids are allowed to play outside alone at around age 5. Then, they can bike alone to a store at age 10. At the same time, they have to do chores.
4 min read
My partner's unwavering attraction to me was the first part of my journey to accepting my new body. New health issues changed the way I felt for good.
5 min read
I grew up thinking that parents could not be friends. But now that I have four kids of my own, I want to be both things for them.
4 min read
Lisa A. Phillips started researching teen dating when her own 13 year old started doing so. She says parents should validate teens' feelings.
4 min read
I used to clean up after my son instead of waiting for him to do his chores. I realized it's better to teach him these tasks so he can be independent.
4 min read
My husband is a public school teacher and I'm a freelancer. My kids are now eating the free school lunch, and I stopped drinking Starbucks.
6 min read
As a lab technician, I'm doing these four things — including turning bath time into a fun experiment — to get my young children excited about science.
5 min read
I started lying about my age in my mid-30s. I stopped when my 7-year-old daughter caught me during a school project about family.
4 min read
Growing up, I always felt that my parents favored my sister. I'm trying not to do the same with my kids, but it can be tricky not to have a favorite.
4 min read
Social media is bad for teens, right? That's a lot of what we hear. But a recent study examined voices missing from the conversation: It's the teens.
5 min read
My older brother worked hard so I could have nice things growing up. I could never repay him, so I now buy his kids gifts, which often become clutter.
4 min read
Today's parents are saying yes to drugs. Just don't tell their kids.
11 min read
It all started during the pandemic, when we created a pod with kids with similar age. Now they are all allowed to go to each others' houses without adults.
4 min read
My 5-year-old daughter is learning about money management through gift cards. She understands budgeting and delayed gratification.
4 min read
I prepared to give my kids the sex talk. But they were much farther along than I thought, asking questions about abortion and sex changes.
4 min read
Brandon Medford, a CEO and multimillionaire, balances frugality and treating his kids. He learned to build his wealth after starting his own company.
4 min read
I quit my high-paying job to teach our kids at home. I never wanted to homeschool and hated it until we started traveling and learning through trips.
3 min read
Georgie Noble's granddaughter was born when she was 41, and she enjoys having enough energy to play with her. She loves being a young grandmother.
4 min read
My daughter asked me to keep my advice to myself. I was impressed at how easily she set a boundary — something I could never do.
4 min read
I paid $115 for my three kids to visit Space Club in Brooklyn. The NYC indoor playground was expensive, but they had a blast, and so did I.
5 min read
I let my 10-year-old twins roam free with no supervision when we stayed at a private resort. I saw a huge change from having so much independence.
4 min read
Ariba Mobin is the second-favorite parent in her family. At first, she felt rejected and resentful. Then, she found it actually made her a better mom.
4 min read
I always envisioned climbing the corporate ladder, but now I homeschool my children. Here's what I wish I'd known before I took the leap.
5 min read
I was a latchkey kid but when my 12-year-old asked to walk alone to a café I panicked. Eventually I gave her the independence she needed.
4 min read
I decided my daughter will not have a smartphone for all four years of high school. Her "dumb phone" will not have access to social media.
3 min read
My kids were angry with my no social media rule, but I don't want them to be exposed to the inherent dangers before they are equipped to handle them.
4 min read
I became a stay-at-home mom after getting laid off from my tech job. It's hard to juggle job-searching while taking care of my child.
4 min read
Naomi Carmen grew up with a skewed view of personal relationships because apologies were scarce for her. She's proudly raising her kids differently.
5 min read
More people are waiting until their 30s to have kids. But that's when careers start taking off.
11 min read
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